I'm sitting on my couch right now...holding my precious 7 month old baby thinking about how this is the last time I'll have a 7 month old I can hold and sing to sleep....the last time I'll have a baby who is fully dependent on me to take care of his every need. I cried just a few minutes ago thinking about it(I'm a pretty emotional person but still...)
Were all so busy with trying to teach our kids new things and to help them grow up that we forget to just sit and work with them on what they already know....I mean I have a newly turned 7 month old who is cruising on furniture and getting ready to walk....where did my immobile baby who played on the ground without moving anywhere go? I don't think I want him to grow up...at all.
My 2 year old spent the morning counting everything in sight....at target he told me all about the stuff around us...
"Mommy, there's a cute shirt for Jamie"
"Mommy I want a new batman toy....pleasssssse!" (He didn't get the toy even with his adorable cheesy smile...)
"Mommy can we buy pizza for lunch?"
I can't believe how talkative and smart he is and yet still such a "baby"
And then the big boy....today is Jeremy's last day of first grade....I just don't believe it....when did he grow up so much?! He started school not being able to read...at all....he is now far above grade level, reading chapter books, he plays video games and even walks to friends houses to play...
I know we have to let them grow and trust me I love helping them but its times like right now while this sweet sleeping baby lays in my arms that I wish I could freeze time and stay right here forever....